“People don’t r…

8 09 2013

“People don’t rush for marriages, for better results, for better bonding. Why shall sellers expect customers to hasten decision to make their sale..?” Closing has not to be rushed


25 06 2013


LimitLESS Spectrum – Capturing Possibilities

Selling With Dignity is HELL in UAE, instead ROB them with WAASTA

22 06 2013
Dubai Abra Souq Station

Dubai Abra Souq Station

Now selling is an art of scraping the needs, finding the value, connecting the client emotionally to the need+value+benefit and sell them the solution.

Clients are not interested what you sell – they look for convenience and solutions which make their lives easier.

Selling in UAE or working as a salesman doesn’t lead you to a dignified position. The focus of businesses is solely profit. But who’s making them a profit..? The sales guys of course. But in the Middle East, the situations is starkingly odd and different.

More or less, the employer is himself a misfit who assumes, business is won through, Waasta (personal references) and there is no such thing as Sales as an art and research.

The oil-rich region is abuzz with investments, business, networking, opportunities and just lots of money and glamour. What misses is this, Sales guys are not respected and are not highly paid executives.

On the other hand, Indian nationalities have done equal damage too – bringing the market rates to a level where only cats and South Indians can survive – on bones.

A market which sends its workforce, in sultry heat of June-October, expects to meet the targets is salaried at just a meagre Dhs.2000 (USD 544). Now how will Sales prosper..? Upon that 14 hours of gruelling work hours with traffic jams and harsher living conditions for expats. See also how expats spend their lives in such living conditions. Welcome the Paradise of Middle East – Dubai.

And this is how corporate companies in Dubai treat employees.

In such a dillemma, where no proper framework exists to allow Sales to grow out of perceptions – the old tabboos of doing business the traditional way is prevalent. Hawkers and sellers pitch by the road side.

Influence, emotionally connect and deliver value form the basis of stronger sales. UAE has just not learnt the right way of doing it. It might never would. WAASTA will give you PASTA in Emirates.

For your reading pleasure, check how expatriates live in UAE. And, how companies work in UAE and rob employees of their salaries.

How to Sell in Conferences and How to QUIT Smoking

10 06 2013

Selling at Conferences

Quitting smoking is easy, doesn’t even require the will-power – how to do it, keep on reading till you’re ready in the end.

Selling in conferences. The most enjoyable part of your career and day – free lunches, coffees and many to connect with at the same frequency. The other days, the script gets longer, the time to connect takes even more longer, the calibre of the other person too could become a challenge for the appointments.

Conferences means lots of cards are exchanged and so many follow ups. The cold is out when calling and following up with these guys, and they are not at all uglier than the rest. So how do we go about pitching them our business..?

Solution 1 – Pitch them without qualifying – that will invite not curious and interested people but an audience that will sooner get aloof from you. Who is so interested in your solutions and pacakges..? Were they ever..? BAD BAD SOLUTION, DOLUTION (Dilute- Solution, you get Diluted and your product gets the Acidic Solution)

Solution 2 – Talk, NOT business, but general topics – that is a good recipe to get you out of the door and never be invited again. If you’re a talkshow host, you’ll probably create a mound out of a general topic to speak about. But does that connect usually with your prospect and your conference contact, probably they don’t even have that time to listen to you and your fluffy stories which reveal your intent. BAD DOLUTION again. (What’s DOLUTION, Read Solution 1 with complete focus again, don’t get jumpy on getting to quitting smoking, that’ll never come until the 3rd installment of this article)

Solution 3 – Listen, Exchange Cards, Go Around, Sell only Confidence – prepare chic taglines for your profession and what you’re good at in public relations. Always listen intently to the other person. Remember, its just the 45 seconds for you to impress. DON’T SELL, simply IMPRESS..!!

Now that is something you can stick to.

Tip 1 – Get cards printed at wholesale rates and quantity, your personality check is primarily reflected from the slick cards. So get down to some serious spending for your special VIP cards to get that very VIP slot for your business.

Tip – 2 – Get suited perfectly. One that kills the ladies and impresses the men to approach you. Follow – GQ and Effortless Gent to get an idea how’s men’s suiting should kill.

Tip – 3 – Add a flair to your style. A little prepped up confidence and well done hairdo will just do the lasting magic with rest of the things falling in place. Your shoes should speak highly of your confidence, it travels downside up. Clean, neat, shiny shoes always entice attention.

Smoking Kills


Commit yourself to rigorous, disciplined and calendar-planned workout series and commit to it like a soldier. Secret is, your mind has to control, or win the control over your body. The nicotine part is done by the body. There will come a time where your body will scream and cry to QUIT it, just QUIT for the eternal slavery.

Chain your body to your mind which is ‘seriously’ committed to a series of bone breaking workouts, your mind will takeover the throne it deserves or else let your mind shift and be placed at your knees, subservient to your protruding bellies and blackened lungs.

See you at the top.

Miami Condos have 30% Profit margin – Short Term Investment

24 05 2013

Making Short-term 30% Profit from Miami Real Estate Market

Miami real estate is picking up – with a paltry amount of $500K, spare $100K and earn an extra $150K from a minimal investment of $400K.

Start investing, April 2013 was aggressive for Miami Housing sector.

How to Sell to Bigger Clients..? Fighting the Demon-Mafia

24 05 2013
Selling to Bigger Clients - Sales to Bigger Clients

Fighting the Demons – Selling to Bigger Clients

Video games have fascinated me. Even today, First Person Shoot games like Medal of Honor Allied Assault is still my passionate addiction. What’s more fascinating are the heroic pursuits of heroes battling larger-than-life demons and monsters, in pursuit of getting their dream heroine, caged and locked in the darkest dungeons, where no ordinary access password works, out of the clutches of the demonic-mafia.

Even then, the lone hero does it – dismantles the castle, crushes the skull of the demon and makes the bosses look minions. So how is it cracked..? Well if its a sick Bollywood flick, then its the curse or the prayer of the ever sicker Bollywood mother left with a breath or two but still survives for the next 3 hours and so does the prayer or curse.

If its a Hollywood flick, then its the staff of Gandalf, the illogical wand of Harry potter, or the inherited powers of the fallen gods. But it does end happily.

Now the same is true when pitching larger-than-life clients and brands for selling your solution and product – what’s the first reaction..? A spine chilling feeling running down with a trickle of sweat, a remorse that you can’t beat the odds and the already installed competitor who enjoys monthly maintenance charges for a solution which is 100 years old.

Selling to Bigger Clients - Sales

Selling to Bigger Clients

So how to sell larger clients..? No need to curse the client or its sheer pride of credibility it has earned through the years. Well its the preparation – study the clients, get the email addresses, subscribe to the latest updates, connect on LinkedIn, get introductions, study the events, the showcasing of the models, study the competitors of the client – this helps in creating a stronger business cases. Study your competitors on how they have set their foot in the door.

Allow your business case to be justified with a proportionate and comprehensive analysis of the competitor – this operation should be spread well up to 3 weeks to a month and a half. Once all the homework is set, the challenges, big clients have bigger issues. No one has ever reached and experienced Utopia, so the options of improving are just everywhere. The inches we have, are just everywhere around us (Al Pacino from Any Given Sunday).

So pick up a client, start studying, go back to the University level like Harry Potter, crack your knuckles and start the magic. No demon should then be an impossibility if you’re eyeing the crown.

See you at the top.

SCAM & PONZI Selling Hit, Selling Split – How..?

10 05 2013

SCAMs are way too attractive, at first, just like the first date, till the end until exposed. So how does the black market thrive so fervently and feverishly amid the internet so much around..? Question is greed blinds everyone, specially the working class.



DUBAI SCAM – Gruesome Details

The latest to surface is this Dubai Project and Assignment scam, which allegedly has swindled a million Dirhams from 6000 people. Reportedly, some people have lost their entire life savings kept for children’s education and marriage, has been lost. The pain is immense and the act seems to be gruesome.

Idea was to get an initial security deposit of AED 500 ($136) for 10 PDF assignments to be converted to word – earning AED 100 ($36.7) per assignment. That promises neat sum of profits. Many people lost as big as AED 50,000 (approx $13,000) of their life saving and some lost around AED 100,000 (approx $30,000) on this scheme. Converting PDFs to word format is almost automatic now, many tools available but these Dubai people read less and work more for their bosses, so they went after extra income promises to secure their futures, to some extent. But delusional.

Remember the PONZI scheme and Uncle Madoff? They purportedly weaved an attractive scheme to lure investors which many did. PONZI fever is on since 1920’s. Uncle Madoff, made a whopping $65 billion, eluding the Government, the investors and celebrities.



So How Do They Do It?

Simple, they make it look very attractive. In returns and in exhibition. Schemers and spammers and scammers are smart, witty and well planned in their theory. Their homework, their attire, is near to perfect. They dress up like a millionaire for the first impression. Doesn’t that signal a good professional, slick attire is the key to getting a sale or at least the foot in the door.

Schemers make it big by showing themselves big and talking big – big here means passion. Theft too is a passion and why would just enjoy fraud with the fear of landing behind bars, the passion, the lust, the love of money surpasses the fear.

Passion in Anything Gives it a Success

Even in Sales, passion has to measure up or even counter fear. Your passion has to reduce fear to a minion. Seek the drive, the dream, the burning desire to counter and challenge your fear. The fear is nothing but the sign board by the road leading you to the destination of your life.

Schemers promise returns. Big returns, low investments and sometimes higher investments.  Sales people too show the big promises of their product, if it doesn’t measure up, salesman doesn’t show up. Very unprofessional.

In selling industry, learn your product, how it works but more importantly, how it benefits the other person. If you start thinking how the other person will benefit, your sales approach will benefit and increase the sales.

Schemers and PONZI approach with trust. They build it, run it, expose it and then they run. In Sales too, you build trust and rapport before the defenses of the person are down and he is ready to receive your counsel taking you as an adviser. Purport yourself as a consultant and less of a salesman running for commission, that will see a steady growth in your sales management.

Dubai SCAM stings 6000 PeopleSchemers benefit their immediate contacts by giving immediate returns and profits by earning less for themselves in the initial stages. In sales, if you sell the benefits with emotional connection, people will start trusting you. People don’t buy brands, they buy the emotions connected with the brands and products. Create the emotional relationship with your product. But keep your product genuine.

LUST – PONZI works on building lust for more in less time. More in less and even more in even less. In sales, your career will go bust if you’re in lust. You will sell but shall sell short and eventually the company, the customers will sniff you out. People are more smarter than they used to be.

PONZI Vs. Pyramid Plans

But PONZI is not to be confused with Pyramid schemes. Every other structure and organisation is based on a Pyramid, starting with your notorious boss, who earns the most, while you at the bottom rung of the pyramid, is earning the least but slogging the most. Isn’t that PONZI now? Illegal is Pyramiding, which is another name for PONZI.

Credit Card

Credit Card Selling

Schemers pressure into making an investment. So does the traditional salesman. Traditional selling is already gone. Credit Card selling in Middle East is so notorious with traditional methods, they put cold calling to a shame.

Do the Homework

PONZI Schemers do a lot of homework so as not to get exposed. Idea is make money, buy islands, make money again, let your primary investors take a bit from your earnings, make money again and flee. Flee to West Indies and enjoy the cocktails. The easy-beach money. But PONZIs have been notorious to have been caught after several years and sometimes decades.

So sales guys, gear up, invest in your suits and boots, learn your product, learn your customer and their affiliations, pitch the benefits with emotional connect and just SELL. Don’t FAKE selling, it shows. Be passionate and start seeing the growth. Introspect what you want from selling and we’ll see you at the top.

FAILED Sales – Lip Service to Relationship Marketing (Building)

3 05 2013
Building Sales Relationship

Sales and Marketing

May is ON, now the targets are set for you to hit the ground and set the sales rocking..!! Consider that you’re a new hire, 2nd month on the go. Or you could be a ‘traditional’ salesman and a long timer employee but nothing yet on the road of accomplishment coming your way. The run of the mill is again the same. New month but same old, deafening and boring ‘sales’ routine. You hate it, so does your boss..!! You’re NOT fired yet, as you have gained the experience which is expensive to replace in your place.

So now, you’re pitching clients. But wait, do you really know what your client is..? What the priorities are for your client..? What is the work environment of your client..? What is the background of your prospective client..?

Perhaps that client met you on the road and you exchanged cards, if you really did before started to pitch your product or company, people don’t want to hear anymore about companies or products, they’re already living in a tight consumer’s world where water could be scarce but advertising campaigns of splashing are not.

RECIPE OF CERTAIN DEATH – Start pitching even without noticing or knowing what the other client’s wearing. That was a pun but understanding, researching a client requires a deeper level of understanding which breeds greater trust. TRUST brings down the defenses, that is only possible if you invest enough time in building relationship not the SALES CHART first.

So how do you build a relation..? Introduce, exchange cards, FULL STOP..!! Start listening from here – what do they do, what is their organisation, invite your prospect to sell you before you sell to them, understand their work culture, the challenges, the drawbacks, the benefits, the growth standards, aspirations, inspirations. When you listen, a couple of defense line is broken and brought down, but the TRUST is not yet affixed in you, you’re just a spectator yet and no player listens to the spectators, they keep their play on.

Now, you start asking intelligent questions – this builds the channel which brings them to your company’s doorsteps and your products. Ask like what if there was a solution that would help them generate more productivity, more growth, what their (prospect’s) interest is, what is still lacking, what kind of avenues they seek to grow and prosper, financial growth. Start analyzing and suggesting what they should do – here you being their mind programming. With suggestions and advises, they start listening to you now, more defenses GONE..!! Trust replaces.

FAILED Sales - Lip Service To RelationshipsOnce you know they are eager, keep your ears and eyes open to changes – the psychological change is necessary which is not possible when thick bricked walls of FEAR, ill-trust are higher than your anticipation. Know the pain, which is not possible if you’re not emotionally intelligent to unlock it.

Sales is like a date – the perfect one is not the first one or the last one. You invest in everyone of them to get the perfect results.

So start building relationships by asking questions and suggesting help to them to improve. People love sociable people who are occasional salesman. See then your sales rocketing.

Your Child’s Story and Passionate Sales – Connecting People..?

18 04 2013

Selling to the Emotionally Connected Customer

More often, I have to confront first time parents or experienced parents with good kids or quite a lot of kids. Yeah. Lot of kids is a good thing, so much to see, so much to laugh around and record for the good and better years ahead.

But have you ever noticed, how parents are passionate about the first child? They love to talk about their first child’s sweet mischiefs and the tantrums sound like the sparrow’s morning song for them – the passion is quite evident and shines in the eyes. 

But, the problem is, I really really dislike the stories and character eulogy of anyone’s child – even I avoid telling high stories and avoid eulogising my own child. The child and his tantrums are sweet and passionately for parents to be told – but I don’t see that passion connecting me to that child who is not my own. How can I relate to what cannot be my own? How can I just connect to your child even if he has descended with super-natural powers? Even if he’s the Michael Jackson, I will not buy the Pepsi he will show in Ads. As I just don’t connect and match the frequency.


Connecting Emotions

So the parent’s passion doesn’t connect me, it puts me off to a point, where I try to divert the topic to something more, uh, apolitical and generalised. Though I believe, great minds discuss ideas, but parents discuss children. Your child isn’t a politician or a scientist yet for me to pause and listen.

Does this situation and predicament sound familiar – are you explaining your great and exclusive product who is not yet connected emotionally to your product, service and solution – no matter how martian version your product is with utopian technology, your customer is simply not ready to associate. Is this a common situation you’re facing? Well that happens. 

So what interests your customers? What problem are they facing? What solutions are they looking for? Are you supplying printers, while the customer is asking for a photocopier? 

Research what customers like – build bridges, don’t sing songs of your company – your customer doesn’t buy your company or your product, they buy the emotions connected with your product, your attitude, the emotions you uncover for the value of the product.

Connect emotionally, identify the needs, connect needs to emotions, plus add relationship to give more depth – release your customer from the defences.

Happy selling but let your child be free and out of sight..!! 

Sales Prospecting and Karachi Earthquake

16 04 2013
Earthquake and Sales Prospecting

How Earthquake and Sales Prospecting Relate

Well that were some strong jolts felt here in Karachi. The earthquake jolt originated from Iran – Pakistan border.

What was noticed, when earthquake hits, people throw in the frantic and people do notice and register the influence of the panic – which is negative. People then start rushing and gushing and blushing, whatever is possible. Journalists get an incident to report and people get to phone to inform their acquaintances of their safety.

Point is, how does this related to sales discussion – well here is the proposition – when and during earthquake, people cause the panic, they just don’t think twice of the reaction of the people around them, they just have one focus, safety for one and for all.

So what are we doing while Sales prospecting – do we have the focus..? If we don’t, we don’t cause the stir to initiate the sales discussion. Sales prospecting is all about confident attitude projection – most sales guys, not experts friends, the sales guys hesitate. Reason? The focus is not there, start revising your visions and dream goals. Plus, don’t just sit there and care what would people say, get out there and start talking with passion. Passion comes with powerful dreams..!!

Selling requires you to create JoltSo cause the frantic, get noticed, get your company the sales records hitting the roof and blowing through it.

Start talking without FEAR..!! FEAR is the call to take action in the path of FEAR. FEAR is invitation. Go and meet it head-on. 

Create the JOLT FACTORY Sales deserve..!!